Commenti sulle opere di Casula Stefania:


I do not support the losss of the sreapete Journal of the Institute of Paper Conservation. As a private conservator being a member of ICON is a big overhead which this year I hesitated to renew as I find little benefit, most information I need I find easier to find on other sites. The journal is the main (possibly only) reason I belong, its loss would make membership of ICON not useful to the already struggling Private Book and Paper Conservator.

I do not support the losss of the sreapete Journal of the Institute of Paper Conservation. As a private conservator being a member of ICON is a big overhead which this year I hesitated to renew as I find little benefit, most information I need I find easier to find on other sites. The journal is the main (possibly only) reason I belong, its loss would make membership of ICON not useful to the already struggling Private Book and Paper Conservator.

I do not support the losss of the sreapete Journal of the Institute of Paper Conservation. As a private conservator being a member of ICON is a big overhead which this year I hesitated to renew as I find little benefit, most information I need I find easier to find on other sites. The journal is the main (possibly only) reason I belong, its loss would make membership of ICON not useful to the already struggling Private Book and Paper Conservator.

Wow! Great to find a post knocking my socks off!

I don't know who you wrote this for but you helped a brother out.

Call me wind because I am absolutely blown away.

disse:“Para ser um grande prifossoinal vocea precisa de alta performance, motivae7e3o, autoconfiane7a, persisteancia para superar metas e resisteancia psicolf3gica. O que e9 importante para um atleta, ganhar uma medalha, e9 importante para a carreira tambe9m”, explica Dietmar Martin Samulski, professor titular da Escola de Educae7e3o Fedsica, Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional da UFMG e doutor em psicologia do esporte.

I reckon you are quite dead on with that.

Your article perfectly shows what I needed to know, thanks!

Created the greatest articles, you have.