
The Adrenaline Film Project is a 72 hour filmmaking competition where 12 teams of three filmmakers must write, cast, shoot, edit and screen a film during the Virginia Film Festival. Each phase of production is closely supervised and advised by AFP mentors. The process will culminate in a competitive screening of the finished films and an award ceremony in front of a live audience at the University of Virginia’s Newcomb Theater on Saturday, November 3, 2012 at 10:00 p.m.

Hi Ian, thanks for the visit & the great advice! Yes, it’s a constant struggle to stay afloat in the online world.That’s great that you can see the light at the end of that tunnel.I can also see that light. It’s what keeps me going. Best of luck with your endeavors also, Ian!

Der Dämon der Pfirsichblüte wird auch aufgrund des Ez der Tages- und der Jahressäule berechnet. Manche bevorzugen die eine, andere die andere Konstellation. Beide sind m.E. richtig. Sie werden verstärkt oder abgeschwächt durch die dazugehörige Qi-Phase, ggfs. die Wirkkraft bzw. EM der himml. Einheit und dazu passende Persönlichkeitsmuster. Die Qi-Phase II wird immer benutzt, wenn Grundlage der Berechnung die TD ist, wie bei den EM und bei vier Geistern und Dämonen. Ich werde in den nächsten Tagen meine Datenbank durchforsten, um herauszufinden, was passt. Manfred Kubny wird nächste Woche bei mir in Spanien sein. Wir werden dann auch mal chinesische Foren durchstöbern.

a quick question for you guys, i have been looking for a cigare made from tabaco grown near a nicaraguan volcano on a piece of land previously used to grow coffe plants. This give the cigare a unique aroma with some very agreable natural coffe notes to it. If anybody has heard of this cigare of which a can’t recall the name, please help me out. Thanks in advance.

The honesty of your posting shines through

That's really shrewd! Good to see the logic set out so well.

it's what he didn't say. No specifics, no memos, nothing to evaluate, just a reassurance to be patient while the news cools off so that once the pink slips stay trickling in there won't be anyone to notice. Scumbag, especially Gore for not even showing his lying bloated face.

There's a secret about your post. ICTYBTIHTKY

We definitely need more smart people like you around.

Back to the Topic:Hi Nick and Rob,congratulations, another nice product. Probably not the best GSG produkt ever, but I bought it anyway to dissect it and learn something about texturing.Two Questions:1)Could you or/and Rob explain those “special materials”(like nukei ect.) inside C4D. I never could figure out to handle them…2) I am having Issues with the scaling of the textures. For which sizes/units where they exactly setup?