
I'm so glad to hear you say all of this and to give me the scoop on what Stefania was saying after the panel ended besucae I was having my own discussion to further the topic. The rest will be blogged soon. Like you, I'm still digesting.

Normally I'm against killing but this article slaughtered my ignorance.

What a pleasure to find someone who thinks through the issues

I was really confused, and this answered all my questions.

God help me, I put aside a whole afternoon to figure this out.

DAVID!! (Thought I would continue the scarem the greets that occurred all weekend.) It truly was great to see you in person at BlogHer. Loved the "across the room shout-outs" to each other. Really made me smile. (And you will agree to post on other's blogs? Where do I sign up for that one so I can nap? *grin*) [url=]xbogtftfav[/url] [link=]pkmeuflpg[/link]

Unbelievable how well-written and informative this was.

Everyone would benefit from reading this post

Ab fab my goodly man.

What a neat article. I had no inkling.